About This Auction: Auction Description: Please contact us for any questions or requests for additional photos. Audi R8 LMS Spark Modell 1/18 exclusive with box - car attached to base This car had a repair on the spoiler. All our items are sold "as is" and we will gladly provide additional photos before your purchase. Shipping: We offer standard shipping services and pack items securely. Items are shipped within 1 days after payment has been received – barring weekends and holidays. Items over $200 require a signature upon arrival. We carefully consider the quality of each item in the lot when determining its auction value as a whole. Please contact us directly to discuss any questions, concerns or to request additional detailed photos. We pride ourselves on our evaluation process and our prompt customer service. We’re always happy to work with you to ensure total customer satisfaction before your transaction is complete. Contact Us: Please feel free to contact us; we’d love to hear from you!!! - Reach us by phone by searching for Comicazi. We are the 2017 Eisner Award winning retail shop specializing in comic books, graphic novels, toys, games, and more!!A: -Located at 407 Highland Ave. Somerville, Massachusetts 02144 - By Ebay user ID: comicazionline Bay A Shelf A